In der Sprachwissenschaft gibt es erfreulich viele Zeitschriften, die gemäß des Open-Access-Prinzips kostenlos zugänglich sind.
Kennen Sie diese schon?
Glossa – A Journal of General Linguistics
The journal is dedicated to general linguistics. It publishes contributions from all areas of linguistics, provided they contain theoretical implications that shed light on the nature of language and the language faculty. Contributions should be of interest to all linguists, independently of their own specialisation.
No specific linguistic theories or trends are given preference. Papers accepted for publication are strictly selected on the basis of scientific quality and scholarly standing.
Die Gründung von Glossa 2016 erregte in der „Welt der wissenschaftlichen Journals“ recht großes Aufsehen, weil die Herausgeber zuvor von ihrer Tätigkeit für die Zeitschrift „Lingua“ bei Elsevier zurückgetreten waren, weil sie mit dem Verlag keine Einigung zur Umwandlung der Lingua zu einem Open-Access-Journal erreichen konnten.
Glossa wird finanziert von der LingOA-Initiative (ebenso wie die Zeitschriften Laboratory Phonology, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics und das Italian Journal of Linguistics) sowie durch die Open Library of Humanities (OLH), die 26 geisteswissenschaftliche Zeitschriften unterstützt, darunter z.B. die Laboratory Phonology.
Die ULB Münster zählt zu den Unterstützern der OLH.

Language under discussion (LUD)
Das Ziel des von der gleichnamigen Gesellschaft herausgegebenen Journals: „promoting open-minded debate on central questions in the study of language, from all relevant disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
Our journal seeks, unapologetically, to promote scholarly discussion of the “big” questions about language — such questions as: What kind of a thing is language? What is the nature of linguistic meaning? How to best conceptualize structure and regularity in human languages? What is the role language plays in culture and how do cultural phenomena reflect on language? What are the roles of cognition and communication in language? — We believe that specialized and applied studies are at their best when they are informed by a vision or model of language in general and reflect back on it, just as theoretical discussions are only truly valuable when grounded in empirical research.“
Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics (IACPL)
Diese Zeitschrift der International Association for Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics veröffentlicht Forschungen zur Sprache im postkolonialen Kontext und aus der Sprachwissenschaft in postkolonialer Perspektive:
Postcolonial linguists aim to provide new models, theories and analyses that are adequate in a multipolar, postcolonial world, and which can challenge the understandings, conceptualizations and theorizing created by Eurocentric frameworks. Thus, the journal welcomes critical, analytically innovative contributions that provide new evidence and analyses of understudied linguistic practices and language varieties in postcolonial contexts. It also encourages conceptually oriented papers that discuss central questions in this emerging field, including the following:
Representations in linguistics. How do we represent words, constructions, and conversations in linguistics? What metalanguage is suitable for analyzing language and linguistic practices?
Voices in linguistics. Who gets to speak? How are (post)colonial dynamics of power structured and enacted in public discourses of education, politics, and in society in general?
Biases in linguistics. Through what lenses do we study the world and its speakers? How can we escape biases such as Eurocentrism, Anglocentrism, chronocentrism, ‘the written language bias’, and similar well-documented descriptive and theoretical biases?
Ethics in linguistics. How do we study languages, discourses and speakers ethically, in an age of transnationalism, urbanization, and linguistic marginalization?