

Kennen Sie schon … diese sprachwissenschaftlichen Blogs?

Drei Beispiele aus der großen weit­en Welt der sprach­wis­senschaftlichen und Digital-Humanities-„Blogosphäre“. 🙂

Logo des Blogs mobELD

mobELD – Mobi­liza­tion of endan­gered lan­guage data

There are about 7.000 lan­guages in the world, but we have com­pu­ta­tion­al resources for only a dozen of them. On the oth­er hand, there are endan­gered lan­guage archives, which host data from very many oth­er lan­guages. These lan­guages are small, remote, or sim­ply from poor­er coun­tries. This blog will present efforts to make these archive col­lec­tions acces­si­ble for com­pu­ta­tion­al research.

Es gibt auch einen Twit­ter-Account zu diesem Blog: @mob_eld.

Logo des Blogs des Projekts Creative Multilingualism (

Cre­ative Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism blog

Our research pro­ceeds from the premise that there’s more to lan­guages than their prac­ti­cal ben­e­fits for com­mu­nica­tive trans­ac­tions.

This is not just about ‘added’ val­ue. Lan­guages are our key medi­um for self-expres­sion, and as such they’re at the heart of indi­vid­ual and col­lec­tive cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty. That gives them immense cre­ative poten­tial which is fun­da­men­tal to our lives as human beings. While being inex­tri­ca­bly con­nect­ed with prac­ti­cal use, that cre­ative poten­tial is also an invalu­able resource in its own right.

Our research pro­gramme is designed to devel­op a new par­a­digm for Mod­ern Lan­guages that is pred­i­cat­ed on the intrin­sic con­nec­tion between mul­ti­lin­gual­ism and cre­ativ­i­ty. This con­nec­tion is embed­ded in our lin­guis­tic her­itage, our lin­guis­tic devel­op­ment, and our com­mu­nica­tive lives. It can give learn­ers con­fi­dence in their innate abil­i­ty as lin­guists, and it makes lan­guage learn­ing last­ing­ly reward­ing. It also holds the key to estab­lish­ing a com­mon iden­ti­ty for the sub­ject of Mod­ern Lan­guages across edu­ca­tion­al sec­tors.

In this sec­tion, we’ll be fea­tur­ing arti­cles, videos and pod­casts that give insights, snap­shots and per­son­al per­spec­tives on the many ways in which lan­guages and cre­ativ­i­ty inter­act and cross-fer­tilise each oth­er.

Es gibt auch einen Twit­ter-Account zu diesem Blog: @creativelangs.


This is a ‘work in progress’ blog asso­ci­at­ed with eScrip­ta, the Dig­i­tal Human­i­ties team with­in the Scrip­ta project at Uni­ver­sité Paris Sci­ences et Let­tres. It will fea­ture reg­u­lar dis­cus­sions from mem­bers of the project team and select­ed exter­nal con­tri­bu­tions. Arti­cles will com­prise a mix­ture of pre­sen­ta­tions of work in progress, dis­cus­sions of method­olog­i­cal chal­lenges, and notices of future events and relat­ed news. The tar­get audi­ence is those in Com­pu­ta­tion­al and Dig­i­tal Human­i­ties and (His­tor­i­cal) Doc­u­ment Analy­sis, includ­ing relat­ed spe­cial­i­sa­tions such as Com­pu­ta­tion­al and Dig­i­tal Palaeog­ra­phy (mod­el­ling and describ­ing script, OCR and HTR, lay­out analy­sis, and more).

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