

Podcast „99% Invisible“: „The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food“

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„Offi­cial­ly titled The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food, it was often known sim­ply as “Kni­ga” (trans­lat­ed: “book”) because it was one of the only cook­books to exist in the Sovi­et Union. The vol­ume is pep­pered with glossy pho­tographs of real­ly lav­ish spreads and packed with text as well. There are recipes for lentils and crab sal­ad and how to cook buck­wheat nine dif­fer­ent ways.
But this book was meant to do so much more than show peo­ple how to make cer­tain dish­es — it’s a Stal­in­ist doc­u­ment aimed at address­ing hunger itself in the USSR. “The book” was at the van­guard of a rad­i­cal Sovi­et food exper­i­ment that, despite its numer­ous obsta­cles, trans­formed Russ­ian cui­sine.“

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die am 3.8.2021 veröf­fentlicht wurde, über die Seite des Pod­casts nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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