

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2022.3

Fre­quen­cy in the dic­tio­nary: a cor­pus-assist­ed con­trastive analy­sis of Eng­lish and Ital­ian
BuchcoverThis book is con­cerned with fre­quen­cy in for­eign lan­guage learn­ing, and in par­tic­u­lar with con­trastive fre­quen­cy across lan­guages. The focus is on the learn­ing of Eng­lish and Ital­ian, whether it be Eng­lish speak­ers learn­ing Ital­ian or Ital­ian speak­ers learn­ing Eng­lish. Despite the fact that fre­quen­cy – whether it be of lem­mas or of word forms with­in spe­cif­ic lex­i­cogram­mat­i­cal envi­ron­ments – lies at the heart of L2 learn­ing, it is not stressed in any salient or con­sis­tent man­ner in Eng­lish / Ital­ian lan­guage-learn­ing mate­ri­als.
This work aims to redress the bal­ance, offer­ing a cor­pusas­sist­ed crit­i­cal analy­sis of the way fre­quen­cy is han­dled in Eng­lish and Ital­ian dic­tio­nar­ies, and bring­ing out unex­pect­ed dif­fer­ences between the two lan­guages.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Gen­der and exem­plar­i­ty in medieval and ear­ly mod­ern Spain
BuchcoverGen­der and Exem­plar­i­ty in Medieval and Ear­ly Mod­ern Spain gath­ers a series of stud­ies on the inter­play between gen­der, sanc­ti­ty and exem­plar­i­ty in regard to lit­er­ary pro­duc­tion in the Iber­ian penin­su­la. The first sec­tion exam­ines how women were con¬strued as saint­ly exam­ples through nar­ra­tives, most­ly com­posed by male writ­ers; the sec­ond focus­es on the use made of exem­plary life-accounts by women writ­ers in order to fash­ion their own social iden­ti­ty and their role as authors.
The vol­ume includes stud­ies on rel­e­vant mod­els (Mary Mag­dalen, Vir­gin Mary, liv­ing saints), means of trans­mis­sion, spon­sor­ship and agency (read­ing cir­cles, print, patron­age), and female writ­ers (Leonor López de Cór­do­ba, Isabel de Vil­lena, Tere­sa of Ávi­la) involved in cre­at­ing tex­tu­al exem­plars for women.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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