Diese Datenbank, die von der Unibibliothek der Universität Iowa gehostet wird, sammelt Materialen zu Frauen und Geschlechterfragen im Mittelalter:
What is Feminae?
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages. Because of the explosion of research in Women’s Studies during the past two decades, scholars and students interested in women during the Middle Ages find an ever-growing flood of publications.
Identifying relevant works in this mass of material is further complicated by the interdisciplinary nature of much of the scholarship. In order to help researchers find current articles and essays quickly and easily, librarians and scholars began compiling the Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index in July 1996.
Books written by a single author are not indexed in Feminae; for these, check library catalogs that have strong collections in medieval studies.
Neben einer einfachen und einer erweiterten Suche gibt es auch den „Article of the Month“, die „Translation of the Month“, das „Image of the Month“ sowie Special Features.
Wenn Sie Medien kennen, die in der Datenbank noch fehlen, können Sie den Herausgeber:innen zur Eintragung melden.