

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2023.9

Eng­lish com­plex words: Exer­cis­es in con­struc­tion and trans­la­tion Eng­lish Com­plex Words is a live­ly, essen­tial com­pan­ion for mul­ti­lin­gual explo­rations of word-for­­ma­­tion process­es, both in Eng­lish and across 40 oth­er lan­guages. It offers today’s broad­est avail­able cov­er­age of Eng­lish pre­fix­a­tion, suf­fix­a­tion … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2021.4

The writer’s gift or the patron’s plea­sure? The lit­er­ary econ­o­my in late medieval FranceThe Writer’s Gift or the Patron’s Plea­sure? intro­duces a new approach to lit­er­ary patron­age through a reassess­ment of the medieval paragon of lit­er­ary spon­sor­ship, Charles V of … Weit­er­lesen