

BBC Radio 4 „Great Lives“ zu Catherine de Medici

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„Jour­nal­ist Helen Lewis reha­bil­i­tates the rep­u­ta­tion of the “Black Queen” of France, Cather­ine de Medici. Helen is joined by Dr Estelle Paranque, his­to­ry lec­tur­er at the New Col­lege of Human­i­ties and author of a new book on the rela­tion­ship between Cather­ine and Eliz­a­beth I.
Catherine’s life is a remark­able sto­ry of female resilience in the face of adver­si­ty. Born and imme­di­ate­ly orphaned in Flo­rence, Catherine’s Medici name meant she was mar­ried off to the French King’s sec­ond son. When she arrived in France, she was shunned. Her new hus­band was already com­plete­ly in love with anoth­er far old­er and more beau­ti­ful woman. He showed lit­tle inter­est in her. And no one expect­ed her to come to the throne. But, fol­low­ing a series of unfor­tu­nate deaths, Cather­ine would go on to become one of the most pow­er­ful women in Europe – Queen regent, and moth­er to three kings across decades of a volatile peri­od in French his­to­ry.
Helen became fas­ci­nat­ed by her aged ten when she realised with a kind of hor­ror that had she been a medieval princess she was the right age to be shipped off to a strange land to mar­ry some duke she’d nev­er met. Helen Lewis is asso­ciate edi­tor at the New States­man. She argues that Cather­ine was a savvy polit­i­cal oper­a­tor, and that her rep­u­ta­tion as “the ser­pent of Paris”was large­ly due to the fact she was a female in pow­er at a very dif­fi­cult time. A fas­ci­nat­ing insight into a major char­ac­ter lit­tle known over here.“
Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die am 12.4.2019 in der Rei­he „Great Lives“ lief, über die Seite der BBC nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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