

BBC Radio 4 „In our time“: The Gordon Riots

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„Melvyn Bragg and guests dis­cuss the most destruc­tive riots in London’s his­to­ry, which reached their peak on 7th June 1780 as troops fired on the crowd out­side the Bank of Eng­land. The leader was Lord George Gor­don, head of the Protes­tant Asso­ci­a­tion, who object­ed to the relax­ing of laws against Catholics. At first the protest out­side Par­lia­ment was peace­ful but, when Gordon’s peti­tion failed to per­suade the Com­mons, riot­ing con­tin­ued for days until the mil­i­tary start­ed to shoot sus­pects in the street. It came as Britain was los­ing the war to hold on to colonies in North Amer­i­ca.“ (BBC)

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die 2019 in der Rei­he „In our time“ lief, über die Seite der BBC nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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