

Kennen Sie schon … das Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion?

Cover des Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion

Allu­sions form a colour­ful exten­sion to the Eng­lish lan­guage, draw­ing on our col­lec­tive knowl­edge of lit­er­a­ture, mythol­o­gy, and the Bible to give us a lit­er­ary short­hand for describ­ing peo­ple, places, and events. So a cun­ning crook is an Art­ful Dodger, a day­dream­er is like Bil­ly Liar, a pow­er­ful woman is a mod­ern-day Ama­zon.

This absorb­ing and acces­si­ble A–Z explains the mean­ings of allu­sions in mod­ern Eng­lish. Fas­ci­nat­ing to browse through, the book is based on an exten­sive read­ing pro­gramme that has iden­ti­fied the most com­mon­ly-used allu­sions. For the third edi­tion all entries have been reviewed, revised, and thor­ough­ly updat­ed to ensure the con­sis­ten­cy of cov­er­age of allu­sions and ref­er­ences. New to this edi­tion is the inclu­sion with­in each entry of a short sum­ma­ry def­i­n­i­tion for the allu­sion or ref­er­ence, ide­al for quick ref­er­ence, and at least one illus­tra­tive cita­tion from a wide range of source mate­ri­als in almost every entry.

The Oxford Dic­tio­nary of Ref­er­ence and Allu­sion is both a use­ful and user-friend­ly ref­er­ence work for stu­dents of Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture and lan­guage, as well as for non-native Eng­lish speak­ers for aid with unusu­al ref­er­ences, and an absorb­ing vol­ume for all lovers of lit­er­a­ture and cul­ture in gen­er­al.

Das Lexikon ste­ht Ihnen im WWU-Netz zur Ver­fü­gung.

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