

Podcast „15past15“ › Season 1: „History-writing in East Asia“

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15past15 is a pod­cast which dis­cuss­es how the past is made, and by whom.
Its sec­ond sea­son exam­ines chang­ing under­stand­ings of Wealth / Reich­tum / Richesse, from the medieval to the mod­ern, and from Europe to Asia, the Amer­i­c­as, and beyond. What was the rela­tion­ship between wealth and nat­ur­al resources? How has wealth been expressed, both intel­lec­tu­al­ly and in terms of mate­r­i­al cul­ture? How have wealth inequal­i­ties affect­ed pow­er, health, and glob­al devel­op­ment? And why should his­to­ri­ans care?
15past15’s first sea­son focused on his­to­ry and his­to­ry-writ­ing in East Asia, from the six­teenth cen­tu­ry to today. Inter­vie­wees debat­ed the indige­nous his­tor­i­cal tra­di­tions of Chi­na and Japan in par­tic­u­lar, and the ways that under­stand­ings of the past evolved at times of acute polit­i­cal and soci­etal change.

Die 15 Fol­gen der ersten Staffel des Pod­casts aus dem His­torischen Sem­i­nar der Uni Zürich:

  1. Intro­duc­ing 15past15
    Mar­tin Dus­in­berre and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er intro­duce 15past15
  2. Confucius’s Come­back
    Joachim Kurtz dis­cuss­es the chang­ing ways in which Con­fu­cius has been under­stood in the last five hun­dred years—from “philoso­pher” to “Chi­nese” sage whose teach­ings are incom­pat­i­ble with West­ern moder­ni­ty. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre.
  3. When did Tai­wan Begin?
    Leigh Jen­co con­sid­ers what debates about the his­to­ry of Tai­wan in sev­en­teenth-cen­tu­ry Chi­na bring to our the­o­ret­i­cal under­stand­ing of impe­ri­al­ism. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er.
  4. Trans­lat­ing the Repub­lic of Let­ters
    David Mer­vart traces the entan­gle­ments of for­eign trade and book col­lect­ing in so-called “closed Japan”, and the ways that Japan­ese trans­la­tors came to con­ceive of—and embody—the repub­lic of let­ters. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er.
  5. Chi­na in Japan’s Mod­ern Time
    Ste­fan Tana­ka sug­gests that Japan­ese intel­lec­tu­als “dis­cov­ered” Japan’s past in the mid-nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, both by recon­sid­er­ing China’s place in the world and by think­ing about time in new ways.
  6. Pro­fes­sion­al­is­ing Japan’s Past
    Lisa Yoshikawa illus­trates how aca­d­e­m­ic his­to­ri­ans in mod­ern Japan used the pro­fes­sion­al­i­sa­tion of study­ing and writ­ing about the past to estab­lish polit­i­cal­ly oppor­tune nar­ra­tives for a mod­ern impe­r­i­al state.
  7. The Colum­bus of Japan
    Bir­git Tremml-Wern­er intro­duces Yama­da Naga­masa (1590–1630), whom some schol­ars called the “Colum­bus of Japan” in the 1940s—a label, she argues, which tells us as much about twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry as sev­en­teenth-cen­tu­ry his­to­ry. Inter­viewed by Joachim Kurtz and Mar­tin Dus­in­berre.
  8. Mis­read­ing the Macart­ney Mis­sion
    Hen­ri­et­ta Har­ri­son exam­ines how Lord Macartney’s mis­sion to Qing Chi­na in 1793 has been archival­ly framed in the West and in Chi­na, lead­ing to the idea that Chi­nese inter­na­tion­al rela­tions par­tic­u­lar­ly pri­ori­tised rit­u­al and trib­ute. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er.
  9. Per­sua­sion with China’s Past
    Jonathan Chap­pell explains how the his­tor­i­cal ref­er­ence points for Qing empire offi­cials changed across the nine­teenth cen­tu­ry, espe­cial­ly with regard to the man­age­ment of China’s bor­der­lands. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre.
  10. Writ­ing Women in late-Qing Chi­na
    Joan Judge traces the shift­ing reper­toire of exem­plary mod­els for women as Qing Chi­na strug­gled with nation­al reform and his­tor­i­cal time on the eve of the 1911 Rev­o­lu­tion. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre
  11. Chi­nese Utopias
    Loren­zo Andol­fat­to shows how soci­etal trans­for­ma­tions in late-nine­teenth cen­tu­ry Chi­na were reflect­ed in the utopi­an pop­u­lar lit­er­a­ture. Inter­viewed by Mar­tin Dus­in­berre and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er.
  12. Whose Renais­sance?
    Pablo Blit­stein dis­cuss­es the method­olog­i­cal chal­lenges that arise from study­ing “the Renais­sance” in world his­to­ry. Inter­viewed by Bir­git Tremml Wern­er and Mar­tin Dus­in­berre.
  13. China’s Renais­sance
    Bar­bara Mit­tler intro­duces the Chi­nese schol­ar Hu Shi’s con­cep­tion of a Chi­nese renais­sance in the ear­ly twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry and its impli­ca­tions for the writ­ing of glob­al his­to­ry. Inter­viewed by Joachim Kurtz and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er.
  14. Japan and the Pacif­ic Age
    Mar­tin Dus­in­berre exam­ines both the impor­tance of the Pacif­ic Ocean in mod­ern Japan­ese his­to­ry and the chal­lenges that come from try­ing to write the „Pacif­ic Age“. Inter­viewed by Joachim Kurtz and Bir­git Tremml Wern­er.
  15. Exhibit­ing Chi­na and Japan
    Bet­ti­na Zorn explains how objects of entan­gled his­to­ries illus­trate Chi­nese and Japan­ese pasts in the East Asia col­lec­tion of the Welt­mu­se­um Wien. Inter­viewed by Bir­git Tremml-Wern­er.

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