Die Werte des Kitschs: Analysen historischer Modifikationen und literarischer Applikationen
Laurenz Schulz liefert neue Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Etymologie und des regionalen Ursprungs des Kitschbegriffs und zeigt auf, dass die Werte Wahrheit, Originalität und Distanz dessen Bedeutung in invertierter Form dominieren. Die bisher in der Forschung gängige Annahme, dass Rührung bzw. Distanz die wichtigsten Werte für den Kitschbegriff sind, werden vom Autor widerlegt. Ausgehend hiervon vergleicht er den Kitsch-Diskurs mit den historischen Vorläuferphänomenen sowie postmodernen Phänomenen wie Camp und Trash und stellt argumentative Parallelen und Wertkongruenzen sowie Unterschiede heraus.
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Anxious journeys: twenty-first-century travel writing in German
The first book to offer a cutting-edge discussion of contemporary travel writing in German, Anxious Journeys looks both at classical tropes of travel writing and its connection to current debates.
The rich contemporary literature of travel has been the focus of numerous recent publications in English that seek to understand how travel narratives, with their distinctive representations of identities, places, and cultures, respond to today’s globalized, high-speed world characterized by the dual mass movements of tourism and migration. Yet a corresponding cutting-edge discussion of twenty-first-century travel writing in German has until now been missing.
The fourteen essays in Anxious Journeys redress this situation. They analyze texts by leading authors such as Felicitas Hoppe, Christoph Ransmayr, Julie Zeh, Navid Kermani, Judith Schalansky, Ilija Trojanow, and others, as well as topics such as Turkish-German travelogues and the relationship of comics to travel writing. The volume examines how writers engage with classic tropes of travel writing and how they react to the current sense of crisis and belatedness. It also links travel to ongoing debates about the role of the nation, mass migration, and the European project, as well as to Germany’s place in the larger world order.
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