

Fonts zur phonetischen Transkription

Welche Schrif­tarten gibt es, mit denen man phonetis­che Tran­skrip­tio­nen erstellen kann? Und wie gut sind diese Schrif­tarten jew­eils?

Dieser Frage ist der Sprach­wis­senschaftler Christo­pher Bergmann (@isoglosse) nachge­gan­gen.
Seine Erken­nt­nisse hat er in ein­er Liste in diesem Blog­post zusam­menge­fasst, die laufend aktu­al­isiert wird:

Screenshot der Liste mit Fonts zur phonetischen Transkription von @isoglosse (

In 2014, I start­ed com­pil­ing a list of fonts for type­set­ting pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tions using sym­bols of the Inter­na­tion­al Pho­net­ic Alpha­bet (IPA). It is prob­a­bly the most com­pre­hen­sive and up-to-date list of such fonts, pro­vid­ing short, yet detailed reviews of the type­faces and the qual­i­ty of their sym­bols – but it has two dis­ad­van­tages: First, the reviews are writ­ten in Ger­man, which most peo­ple do not read. Sec­ond, the list – fea­tur­ing more than 40 type­faces – has grown quite long and maybe even a bit con­fus­ing. If you are look­ing for a decent sans-serif type­face that includes pho­net­ic sym­bols in its bold style, the long list will not be much help. That is why cre­at­ed a table of all fonts for pho­net­ic tran­scrip­tions I am aware of (thanks to Friedrich Althausen, the design­er of the Vol­lko­rn type­face, for the sug­ges­tion!).

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