

Neu im Angebot: „Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers“

Screenshot der Startseite "Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers" ( (Stand 24.1.2022)
Screen­shot der Start­seite „Mid­dle East­ern and North African News­pa­pers“ ( (Stand 24.1.2022)

From the Ottoman Empire to the Arab Spring, the coun­tries of the Mid­dle East and North Africa have stood at the cross­roads of his­to­ry. The Mid­dle East­ern and North African News­pa­pers col­lec­tion includes pub­li­ca­tions from across this dynam­ic region, pro­vid­ing unique insights into the his­to­ry of indi­vid­ual coun­tries, as well as broad view­points on key his­toric events from the late nine­teenth cen­tu­ry through the present.

Researchers will find a wealth of unique con­tent from the Mid­dle East and North Africa, much of which has nev­er been dig­i­tized or avail­able as open access mate­r­i­al. Con­tent in the Mid­dle East­ern and North African News­pa­pers col­lec­tion is pre­dom­i­nant­ly in Ara­bic, but also includes key titles in Eng­lish and French. The col­lec­tion com­pris­es most­ly out-of-copy­right, orphaned con­tent. CRL mem­bers and sub­scrib­ing insti­tu­tions also receive access to five in-copy­right titles from the region: al-Akhbār (الاخبار, Lebanon, 2006–2019), al-Dustūr (الدستور, Jor­dan, 1967–2000), al-Jumhūrīyah (الجمهورية, Egypt, 1962–1986), al-Riyāḍ (الرياض, Sau­di Ara­bia, 1972–1996), and Filasṭīn (فلسطين, Israel/Palestine, 1956–1967).

Der deutsch­landweite Zugriff wird vom Fach­in­for­ma­tions­di­enst (FID) Nahost‑, Nordafri­ka- und Islam­stu­di­en bere­it­gestellt.

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