

Kennen Sie schon … „Planet Word“?

Plan­et Word ist ein „muse­um where lan­guage comes to life“:

Alo­ha. Kon­nichi­wa! Guten Tag. Hola! How­ev­er you say hel­lo, we wel­come you to Plan­et Word.

Plan­et Word is an immer­sive lan­guage expe­ri­ence locat­ed at the his­toric Franklin School in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. Ide­al for all ages, Plan­et Word is a voice-acti­vat­ed muse­um (the world’s first!), and our inter­ac­tive gal­leries and exhibits bring words and lan­guage to life in all sorts of fun ways.

Plan­et Word will inspire and renew a love of words, lan­guage, and read­ing in peo­ple of all ages. Through unique, immer­sive learn­ing expe­ri­ences, we pro­vide a space to explore words and lan­guage that is ground­ed in a sol­id under­stand­ing of lan­guage arts and sci­ence.

Die Idee dahin­ter?

Ann B. Fried­man had just retired from teach­ing first grade read­ing when the idea of Plan­et Word struck her.

Read­ing about the Muse­um of Math­e­mat­ics in New York City, she learned how it used hands-on activ­i­ties to make math fun. If there’s a muse­um for math, she thought, why not a muse­um for words?

Just like the muse­um for math cel­e­brates math, words in their end­less­ly evolv­ing vari­ety should be cel­e­brat­ed, too. Whether signed, spo­ken, writ­ten, or sung, lan­guage con­nects us and shapes our most sig­nif­i­cant moments. Our words and lan­guage reflect who we are, how we inter­act with oth­ers, and how we inter­pret our world.

There should be a place to explore the pow­er, fun, and beau­ty of words, she decid­ed. And, since such a place didn’t yet exist, she set out to bring her vision to life.

Plan­et Word was born.

Es gibt sechs soge­nan­nte „Core Val­ues“:

At Plan­et Word, we strive to make the muse­um expe­ri­ence:

Plan­et Word offers unique, par­tic­i­pa­to­ry, chang­ing, and inno­v­a­tive expe­ri­ences with lan­guage and words.

Plan­et Word engages par­tic­i­pants in phys­i­cal, social, and cog­ni­tive play to increase under­stand­ing of lan­guage.

Spon­ta­neous learn­ing takes place around every cor­ner.

Plan­et Word builds confi­dence and encour­ages a life­long inter­est in words and lan­guage.

Plan­et Word strives to have a mea­sur­able impact on lit­er­a­cy out­comes.

Plan­et Word strength­ens com­mu­ni­ty by cel­e­brat­ing and valu­ing all types of lin­guis­tic diver­si­ty.

Das Muse­um­steam ist auch auf Twit­ter, Face­book und Insta­gram vertreten.

gefun­den bei Sprachrausch

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