

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2022.6

Eng­lish rock and pop per­for­mances: a soci­olin­guis­tic inves­ti­ga­tion of British and Amer­i­can lan­guage per­cep­tions and atti­tudes
BuchcoverThis book address­es the phe­nom­e­non of non-Amer­i­can rock and pop singers emu­lat­ing an Amer­i­can­ized singing style for per­for­mance pur­pos­es. By tak­ing a nov­el approach to this pop cul­tur­al trend and draw­ing atten­tion to the audi­ence, British and Amer­i­can stu­dents’ per­cep­tions of Eng­lish rock and pop per­for­mances were elicit­ed. Inter­views guid­ed by var­i­ous music clips were con­duct­ed and ana­lyzed through a detailed qual­i­ta­tive con­tent analy­sis. The inter­vie­wees‘ respons­es pro­vide impor­tant insights into social mean­ings attached to Amer­i­can­ized voic­es and local British accents in the respec­tive gen­res and show how British and Amer­i­can atti­tudes toward these per­for­mance accents dif­fer. These per­cep­tions and atti­tudes are illus­trat­ed by devel­op­ing asso­cia­tive fields which offer a fresh view on the notion of index­i­cal­i­ties.
An engag­ing folk lin­guis­tic inves­ti­ga­tion of a relat­able every­day pop cul­ture phe­nom­e­non, this book makes com­plex soci­olin­guis­tic phe­nom­e­na eas­i­ly approach­able and qual­i­ta­tive research acces­si­ble. It is suit­able for inter­me­di­ate stu­dents onward and inspires fur­ther research projects in the field of lan­guage per­for­mances.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Ambiva­lent transna­tion­al belong­ing in Amer­i­can lit­er­a­ture
BuchcoverAmbiva­lent Transna­tion­al Belong­ing in Amer­i­can Lit­er­a­ture dis­cuss­es the extent to which transna­tion­al con­cepts of iden­ti­ty and com­mu­ni­ty are cast with­in nation­al­ist frame­works. It ana­lyzes how the dif­fer­ent nar­ra­tive per­spec­tives in texts by Olau­dah Equiano, Catha­ri­na Maria Sedg­wick, Hen­ry James, Jamaica Kin­caid, and Mohsin Hamid shape pro­tag­o­nists’ com­plex transna­tion­al sub­jec­tiv­i­ties, which exist between or out­side nation­al frame­works but are nev­er­the­less inter­pel­lat­ed through the nation-state and through par­tic­u­lar myths about lib­er­al, sen­ti­men­tal, or cos­mopoli­tan sub­jects.
The notion of ambiva­lent transna­tion­al belong­ing yields insights into the affec­tive appeal of the transna­tion­al as a cat­e­go­ry of analy­sis, as an aes­thet­ic expe­ri­ence, and as an idea of belong­ing. This means bring­ing the transna­tion­al into con­ver­sa­tion with the aes­thet­ic and the affec­tive so we may ful­ly address the new con­cep­tu­al chal­lenges faced by lit­er­ary stud­ies due to the transna­tion­al turn in Amer­i­can stud­ies.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site
Die Autorin Sil­via Schul­ter­man­dl hat die Pro­fes­sur für Amer­i­can Stud­ies am Englis­chen Sem­i­nar der WWU inne.

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