

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2023.6

Mod­el­ing irony: a cog­ni­tive-prag­mat­ic account
BuchcoverThis book adopts a broad cog­ni­tive-prag­mat­ic per­spec­tive on irony which sees iron­ic mean­ing as the result of com­plex infer­en­tial activ­i­ty aris­ing from con­flict­ing con­cep­tu­al sce­nar­ios. This view of irony is the basis for an ana­lyt­i­cal­ly pro­duc­tive inte­gra­tive account capa­ble of bridg­ing gaps among dis­ci­plines and of recon­tex­tu­al­iz­ing and solv­ing some con­tro­ver­sies. Among the top­ics cov­ered in its pages, read­ers will find an overview of pre­vi­ous lin­guis­tic and non-lin­guis­tic approach­es. They will also find def­i­n­i­tion­al and tax­o­nom­ic cri­te­ria, an exhaus­tive explo­ration of the ele­ments of the iron­ic act, and a study of their com­plex forms of inter­ac­tion. The book also explores the rela­tion­ship between irony, ban­ter and sar­casm, and it stud­ies how irony inter­acts with oth­er fig­u­ra­tive uses of lan­guage. Final­ly, the book spells out the con­di­tions for “felic­i­tous” irony and re-inter­prets tra­di­tion­al iron­ic types (e.g., Socrat­ic, rhetoric, satir­ic, etc.), in the light of the uni­fied approach it pro­pos­es.
zum Buch im Kat­a­log­Plus
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Gen­dered defend­ers: Marvel’s hero­ines in trans­me­dia spaces
BuchcoverGen­dered Defend­ers: Marvel’s Hero­ines in Trans­me­dia Spaces deliv­ers dynam­ic and orig­i­nal analy­ses of how women per­form in super hero­ic spaces. Con­trib­u­tors from a range of dis­ci­pli­nary perspectives—communications, inter­na­tion­al rela­tions, cul­tur­al and media stud­ies, Eng­lish, his­to­ry, and pub­lic policy—take on Marvel’s rep­re­sen­ta­tions of women and gen­der to exam­ine how rela­tions of pow­er are (re)produced, under­stood, and chal­lenged. Through vivid retellings of char­ac­ter-based sce­nar­ios, these essays exam­ine Car­ol Dan­vers, Jes­si­ca Jones, Ms. Mar­vel, Shuri, Pep­per Potts, Black Wid­ow, and Squir­rel Girl across media forms to char­ac­ter­ize and cri­tique con­tem­po­rary under­stand­ings of iden­ti­ty, fem­i­nism, pow­er, and gen­der.
Col­lec­tive­ly, Gen­dered Defend­ers chal­lenges notions about female iden­ti­ty while illu­mi­nat­ing the mul­ti­di­men­sion­al por­tray­als that are enabled by the form of spec­u­la­tive fic­tion. Mak­ing explic­it the con­nec­tions between women’s lived expe­ri­ences and the imag­ined exploits of super­heroines, con­trib­u­tors explore how these pop cul­ture nar­ra­tives can help us under­stand real-world gen­der dynam­ics and pre­pare ped­a­gog­i­cal, polit­i­cal, and social strate­gies for deal­ing with them.
zum Buch im Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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