In der letzten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei verfügbaren Titel erschienen:
Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text: Modelling Art, Film, and Everything in Between
Tessa Gengnagel
Wissenschaftliche Editionen kontextualisieren unser kulturelles Erbe. Traditionell werden Methoden aus der Editionswissenschaft auf literarische Werke angewandt, um etwa deren Genese nachzuvollziehen oder ihre Überlieferungsgeschichte abzubilden. Wie steht es um die Varianz anderer Arten von kulturellem Erbe? Wie können wir diese systematisch erschließen und wiedergeben? Vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit, vom Bild bis hin zu audiovisuellen Medien führt das Buch Diskurse verschiedener Disziplinen zusammen, um ein übergreifendes konzeptionelles Modell zu entwickeln. Dies geht mit einer grundlegenden Erörterung der Theorie der (digitalen) Geisteswissenschaften einher.
Humanities and Big Data in Ibero-America: Theory, methodology and practical applications
Ana Gallego Cuiñas & Daniel Torres-Salinas (Hrsg.)
This volume presents the first comprehensive study on the relationship between the Human Sciences and Big Data, with special emphasis on the Ibero-American space. The volume is divided into three parts (theoretical, methodological and practical) with an interdisciplinary vision that integrates thought, culture, language, literature, theoretical criticism, society or the use of new bibliometric techniques.
Zoomland: Exploring Scale in Digital History and Humanities
Despite a variety of theoretical and practical undertakings, there is no coherent understanding of the concept of scale in digital history and humanities, and its potential is largely unexplored. A clearer picture of the whole spectrum is needed, from large to small, distant to close, global to local, general to specific, macro to micro, and the in-between levels.
The book addresses these issues and sketches out the territory of Zoomland, at scale. Four regions and sixteen chapters are conceptually and symbolically depicted through three perspectives: bird’s eye, overhead, and ground view. The variable-scale representation allows for exploratory paths covering areas such as: theoretical and applicative reflections on scale combining a digital dimension with research in history, media studies, cultural heritage, literature, text analysis, and map modelling; creative use of scale in new digital forms of analysis, data organisation, interfaces, and argumentative or artistic expressions.
Zoomland provides a systematic discussion on the epistemological dimensions, hermeneutic methods, empirical tools, and aesthetic logic pertaining to scale and its innovative possibilities residing in humanities-based approaches and digital technologies.