

Kennen Sie schon … „Japan Past & Present“?

Japan Past & Present is a glob­al infor­ma­tion hub and repos­i­to­ry that pro­motes research and teach­ing in the Japan­ese human­i­ties across dis­ci­pli­nary, tem­po­ral, and geo­graph­ic bor­ders

Das Por­tal wurde im März 2024 eröffnet.
Seine Mis­sion:

Open to par­tic­i­pants around the world, JPP aims to pro­vide equi­table access to schol­ar­ly tools and mate­ri­als, and to help real­ize an increas­ing­ly diverse and inclu­sive future for the field. We fos­ter mul­ti­lin­gual col­lab­o­ra­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and schol­ar­ship, rais­ing glob­al aware­ness of Japan’s past and its endur­ing rel­e­vance in the present day.

JPP was cre­at­ed as a project of the Yanai Ini­tia­tive for Glob­al­iz­ing Japan­ese Human­i­ties at UCLA and Wase­da Uni­ver­si­ty, but it was envi­sioned from the start as an orga­ni­za­tion that spans nation­al and insti­tu­tion­al bound­aries through mean­ing­ful part­ner­ships.

Das JPP-Team ist auch auf Twit­ter, Bluesky und Face­book vertreten.

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