

Kennen Sie schon … Mother Jones’ Style Guide?

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„Moth­er Jones“, gegrün­det 1976, ist ein über­re­gionales inves­tiga­tives Mag­a­zin in den USA:

Moth­er Jones is a read­er-sup­port­ed inves­tiga­tive news orga­ni­za­tion recent­ly hon­ored as Mag­a­zine of the Year by our peers in the indus­try. Our non­prof­it news­room goes deep on the biggest sto­ries of the moment, from pol­i­tics and crim­i­nal and racial jus­tice to edu­ca­tion, cli­mate change, and food/agriculture.

We reach more than 10 mil­lion peo­ple each month via our web­site, social-media pres­ence, videos, pod­casts, email newslet­ters, and print mag­a­zine. Our fel­low­ship pro­gram is one of the pre­mier train­ing grounds for emerg­ing inves­tiga­tive sto­ry­tellers.

We are inde­pen­dent (no cor­po­rate own­ers) and are account­able only to you, our read­ers. Our mis­sion is to deliv­er hard-hit­ting report­ing that inspires change and com­bats “alter­na­tive facts.”

Vielle­icht kann der Style Guide des Mag­a­zin, der im Feb­ru­ar 2020 zum ersten Mal veröf­fentlicht wurde und laufende aktu­al­isiert wird, auch für Ihren näch­sten englis­chen Text hil­fre­ich sein?

Moth­er Jones’ style guide, pub­lished below for the first time in our 44-year his­to­ry as the longest-run­ning inves­tiga­tive non­prof­it news­room in the coun­try, is a liv­ing doc­u­ment that’s con­stant­ly updat­ed to reflect the choic­es and changes in lan­guage that shape our report­ing. Where top­ics aren’t cov­ered, we default to the Asso­ci­at­ed Press Style­book and Mer­ri­am-Web­ster in that order, but ours takes prece­dence, so let us know if any­thing is glar­ing­ly miss­ing from ours that doesn’t appear in theirs. Hit us up with tips, told-you-sos, copy chal­lenges, and gram­mat­i­cal griev­ances at

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