

Kennen Sie schon … die Online Keyboards von

Screenshot der Seite (

Unter dem Mot­to „Type your lan­guage Online“ bietet die Seite „Online Key­boards“ eine Eingabeober­fläche für ver­schiedene Sprachen, die in nicht-lateinis­chen Schriften oder mit Son­derze­ichen geschrieben wer­den.

Für Geor­gisch sieht das dann z.B. so aus:

Screenshot der Online-Tastatur für Georgisch von (

What is an Online Key­board?

An online key­board is a soft­ware that allows users to type char­ac­ters. Nor­mal­ly an online key­board pro­vides on screen key­boards with click­able but­tons to type char­ac­ters. In this case, the typ­ing is done using a mouse or a fin­ger on touch screens.

An online key­board can also use a phys­i­cal key­board to type char­ac­ters. For exam­ple, you can use an Eng­lish key­board to type Russ­ian char­ac­ters and the vir­tu­al key­board soft­ware auto­mat­i­cal­ly con­verts the Eng­lish let­ters to that of Russ­ian.

Why use an Online Key­board?

- The com­put­er or device you are using does not sup­port your lan­guage
- You are using a com­put­er in a café in a for­eign coun­try
- You are mul­ti­lin­gual and you do not want or know how to change your com­put­er set­tings
- The char­ac­ters you want to type are miss­ing from your phys­i­cal key­board
- You want to bypass a key log­ger on a com­pro­mised com­put­er

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