

Open-Access-Bücher zur Slavistik

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2017

Cover des Buches

Franc Marušič / Petra Miš­maš / Rok Žaucer  

Advances in For­mal Slav­ic Lin­guis­tics 2017 is a col­lec­tion of fif­teen arti­cles that were pre­pared on the basis of talks giv­en at the con­fer­ence For­mal Descrip­tion of Slav­ic Lan­guages 12.5, which was held on Decem­ber 7–9, 2017, at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Nova Gor­i­ca. The vol­ume cov­ers a wide array of top­ics, such as con­trol verbs, instru­men­tal argu­ments, and per­du­ra­tives in Russ­ian, com­par­a­tives, nega­tion, n‑words, neg­a­tive polar­i­ty items, and com­ple­men­tiz­er ellip­sis in Czech, imper­son­al se-con­struc­tions and com­ple­men­tiz­er dou­bling in Sloven­ian, prosody and the mor­phol­o­gy of mul­ti-pur­pose suf­fix­es in Ser­bo-Croa­t­ian, and indef­i­nite numer­als and the bind­ing prop­er­ties of dative argu­ments in Pol­ish. Impor­tant­ly, by explor­ing these phe­nom­e­na in indi­vid­ual Slav­ic lan­guages, the col­lec­tion of arti­cles in this vol­ume makes a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to both Slav­ic lin­guis­tics and to lin­guis­tics in gen­er­al.

» zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site
» zum Buch bei Zen­o­do

Mutual intelligibility in the Slavic language area

Logo der Uni Groningen

Jele­na Gol­ubovic

In the glob­al­ized world we live in today inter­na­tion­al coop­er­a­tion is extreme­ly impor­tant, but not all Euro­peans can speak Eng­lish very well. If the lan­guages in ques­tion belong to the same fam­i­ly, each per­son might be able to speak their native lan­guage and under­stand the lan­guage of their inter­locu­tor. Thus type of com­mu­ni­ca­tion has proved to be effec­tive between native speak­ers of Dan­ish, Swedish and Nor­we­gian; Dutch and Ger­man; as well as between the speak­ers of Czech and Slo­vak.
This the­sis aims to dis­cov­er how well speak­ers of dif­fer­ent Slav­ic lan­guages can under­stand each oth­er and which fac­tors influ­ence this. About 12 000 speak­ers of six Slav­ic lan­guages took part in a web-based intel­li­gi­bil­i­ty exper­i­ment. The find­ings show that the most impor­tant thing is how sim­i­lar­ly words that have the same root are pro­nounced in two lan­guages. Also, the more exposed you are to the lan­guage you are try­ing to under­stand, the bet­ter you will be at it. How words are formed and com­bined into sen­tences also mat­ters, the more sim­i­lar the process­es, the more you are like­ly to under­stand. And in case that the lev­el of intel­li­gi­bil­i­ty is rel­a­tive­ly low, we showed that it is pos­si­ble to teach peo­ple to under­stand a relat­ed lan­guage bet­ter in a rel­a­tive­ly short time.

» zum Buch auf dem Repos­i­to­ry der Uni Gronin­gen

Lehrbuch Bulgarisch / Učebnik po bălgarski ezik

Cover des Buches

Uwe Büt­tner

Wie der Titel des Buch­es bere­its deut­lich macht, ist dieses Lehrbuch sowohl für Anfänger als auch für Fort­geschrit­tene gedacht. Aus diesem Grunde wur­den in das Lehrw­erk eine umfan­gre­iche bul­gar­ische Gram­matik (Phonetik, Mor­pholo­gie, Syn­tax und Wort­bil­dung) sowie umfan­gre­ich­es Mate­r­i­al zur Erweiterung des Wortschatzes inte­gri­ert. Die ca. 1700 Seit­en sollen den Nutzer aber keineswegs abschreck­en, son­dern als ein bre­ites Bil­dungsange­bot ver­standen wer­den, in dem jed­er Nutzer entsprechend sein­er Inter­essen und Vorken­nt­nisse navigieren kann, nicht zulet­zt mit­tels Such­maschi­nen, da hier eine elek­tro­n­is­che Fas­sung des Lehrbuch­es vor­liegt. Das Lehrbuch soll deutsche Mut­ter­sprach­ler, die Bul­gar­isch ler­nen wollen, genau­so ansprechen, wie bul­gar­ische Mut­ter­sprach­ler, die ihre Deutschken­nt­nisse verbessern möcht­en.

» zum Buch auf dem Repos­i­to­ry der Uni Leipzig
» zu einem Blog-Post über das Buch im Blog der UB Leipzig

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