

Kennen Sie schon … GrammArNord?

Logo des Projekts GrammArNord

Das an der Uni Kiel behei­matete are­allinguis­tis­che Pro­jekt „Gram­mArNord“ – der Name ste­ht für Gram­mat­i­cal Are­al­i­ty in the Nordic Coun­tries and North­ern Ger­man – unter­sucht Unter­schiede und Gemein­samkeit­en der Sprach­va­ri­etäten in nordis­chen Län­dern und in Nord­deutsch­land:

There are close his­tor­i­cal ties between North­ern Ger­many and the Nordic Coun­tries, espe­cial­ly the Scan­di­na­vian main­land. This is pri­mar­i­ly due to fac­tors such as the imme­di­ate geo­graph­i­cal close­ness and the result­ing sta­ble and inten­sive lan­guage con­tact on the Ger­man-Dan­ish (lan­guage) bor­der, the eco­nom­ic con­tacts via the North Sea and Baltic Sea trade routes since the Hanseat­ic era, Germany’s cul­tur­al role mod­el func­tion for north­ern Europe for cen­turies, and Schleswig-Holstein’s long polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion with Den­mark (con­tact sce­nar­ios).

Due to their com­mon his­to­ry, Low Ger­man and oth­er North­ern Ger­man vari­eties on the one hand and Nordic vari­eties on the oth­er hand have many lin­guis­tic fea­tures in com­mon. This ranges from Ger­man loan words in the Nordic lan­guages to gram­mat­i­cal and pho­net­ic sim­i­lar­i­ties. As is well known, this affects in par­tic­u­lar the Con­ti­nen­tal Scan­di­na­vian stan­dard vari­eties, although not all to the same extent. Less known is the extent to which such com­mon fea­tures are also found in non­stan­dard vari­eties, includ­ing vari­eties of Ger­man.

The project inves­ti­gates gram­mat­i­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties between Nordic and North­ern Ger­man vari­eties from an are­al per­spec­tive, includ­ing pat­terns of lin­guis­tic are­al­i­ty across lan­guage bound­aries. Par­tic­u­lar focus is placed on mor­pho­log­i­cal and syn­tac­tic fea­tures in non-stan­dard vari­eties such as dialects, as doc­u­ment­ed in dialect gram­mars and oth­er lin­guis­tic resources. The aim is to doc­u­ment, describe and map such are­al fea­tures in a small cross-lin­guis­tic dig­i­tal lan­guage atlas. This requires both a con­cep­tu­al mod­el of lin­guis­tic are­al­i­ty and its dig­i­tal imple­men­ta­tion.

Das Pro­jekt wird u.a. unter­stützt vom Fach­in­for­ma­tions­di­enst Nordeu­ropa an der UB Kiel.

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