

Kennen Sie schon … diese digitalen Angebote zu Dante?

2021 jährt sich der Todestag von Dante Alighieri zum 700.sten Mal – Sie find­en daher unter dem Hash­tag „Dante700“ viele Inter­net­seit­en rund um das Jubiläum.

Für speziellere Lit­er­atur­recherchen kön­nen diese Daten­banken und Por­tale inter­es­sant sein:

Bibliografia Dantesca Internazionale

L’attuale Bib­li­ografia Dan­tesca Inter­nazionale nasce dal­la col­lab­o­razione di due fra le più antiche fon­dazioni di stu­di su Dante e dal­la mes­sa in comune dei loro prece­den­ti stru­men­ti di ricer­ca bib­li­ografi­ca: la Soci­età Dan­tesca Ital­iana, già cre­atrice e respon­s­abile del­la prece­dente Bib­li­ografia Dan­tesca Inter­nazionale in ital­iano (online dal 1999), e la Dante Soci­ety of Amer­i­ca, già cre­atrice e respon­s­abile del­la Annu­al Dante Bib­li­og­ra­phy (dal 1952), pri­ma pub­bli­ca­ta sul­la riv­ista del­la soci­età, “Dante Stud­ies”, quin­di sul sito on-line del­la soci­età.
L’accordo fir­ma­to il 23 mar­zo del 2017 dai Pres­i­den­ti delle Soci­età, il prof. Mar­cel­lo Cic­cuto (SDI) e il prof. Albert Rus­sell Ascoli (DSA), e la col­lab­o­razione dei mem­bri dei rispet­tivi comi­tati bib­li­ografi­ci met­tono a dis­po­sizione open access per gli stu­diosi di tut­to il mon­do una risor­sa bib­li­ografi­ca pri­va di ter­mi­ni di paragone nell’ambito degli stu­di non solo dan­teschi ma ital­ian­is­ti­ci, e aprono una rin­no­va­ta sta­gione di scam­bi sci­en­tifi­ci tra Italia e Nord Amer­i­ca.

Dartmouth Dante Project

The Dart­mouth Dante Project (DDP) com­bines mod­ern infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy with near­ly sev­en hun­dred years of com­men­tary tra­di­tion on Dante’s major poem, the Com­me­dia.
The DDP, orig­i­nal­ly devel­oped between 1982 and 1988 (when a pro­to­type was opened to pub­lic use), is an ongo­ing effort to put the entire texts of more than 75 com­men­taries into a search­able data­base that any­one can access via the World Wide Web. This gives schol­ars eas­i­er access to the full texts of many impor­tant, and, in some cas­es, dif­fi­cult to obtain works.

Enciclopedia Dantesca

Online-Aus­gabe der ursprünglich in sechs Bän­den erschiene­nen Enci­clo­pe­dia Dan­tesca

Digital Dante

Dig­i­tal Dante offers orig­i­nal research and ideas on Dante: on his thought and work and on var­i­ous aspects of his recep­tion. Though our edi­to­r­i­al struc­ture is that of an aca­d­e­m­ic jour­nal, we do not pub­lish prose essays, instead show­cas­ing work that inter­spers­es prose with visu­al com­po­nents. We accept con­tri­bu­tions from schol­ars and Dante lovers around the world.
We fea­ture orig­i­nal schol­ar­ship on Dante in three dif­fer­ent con­texts:
1) The Com­men­to Barolini­ano is the first online com­men­tary to the Divine Com­e­dy. The Com­men­to is an orig­i­nal work writ­ten express­ly for Dig­i­tal Dante and it dis­tills a life­time of schol­ar­ship.
2) Inter­tex­tu­al Dante is a vehi­cle for inter­tex­tu­al study of the Divine Com­e­dy devel­oped by Julie Van Peteghem and fea­tur­ing her orig­i­nal schol­ar­ship on Dante and Ovid.
3) ImageSoundHis­to­ry and Text are the cat­e­gories through which we present orig­i­nal pieces con­tributed by artists, philoso­phers, and schol­ars from around the world.

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