

The Myths and Legends Podcast: „Baba Yaga – Which Witch?“

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„Two sto­ries from Rus­sia. On the first, we catch up with the famous witch, Baba Yaga, as we fol­low yet anoth­er young per­son who has been sent on an errand/to be eat­en at the evil witch’s walk­ing hut. The sec­ond one is about a drag­on slay­er, Dobrynya, as he makes a wrong turn down in the city and keeps falling in love with a woman who wants noth­ing at all to do with him.
The crea­ture is a tiny lit­tle old man with long hair who cries like a baby! And eats peo­ple!“

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die am 24.2.2021 veröf­fentlicht wurde, über die Seite der Pod­cas­trei­he nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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