

Kennen Sie schon … den Podcast „Bunny Trails“?

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Seit 2018 gibt es bei „Bun­ny Trails: A Word His­to­ry Pod­cast“ wöchentliche Fol­gen:

Wel­come to our whim­si­cal adven­ture of idioms and oth­er turns of phrase. Each week, we delve into the ori­gins of phras­es to find out how they came into the Eng­lish lan­guage. We tell the sto­ry of the phrase from its begin­nings to where it is today. Shau­na and Dan are two big nerds, so expect some geek cul­ture ref­er­ences, ran­dom triv­ia facts, and loads of laughs. DFTBA!

Die Autor:innen hin­ter dem Pod­cast sind zwar keine Sprachwissenschaftler:innen, aber sprach­begeis­tert:

Shau­na Har­ri­son and Dan Pugh are both writ­ers with var­ied back­grounds. Shau­na guest-host­ed on one of Dan’s pod­cast and had so much fun she want­ed to start her own pod­cast. She asked Dan to join her because they both have a love of words and where those words come from. Shau­na and Dan have known each oth­er since they were kids and have a long his­to­ry which helps the ban­ter and con­ver­sa­tion­al tone of the show.

Und woher kommt der Name?

The name „Bun­ny Trails“ comes from the idiom ‚down the rab­bit trail‘ mean­ing to get stray from the point of the sto­ry. Shau­na felt this was a clever name, since it’s a show about idioms. Both her and Dan have a ten­den­cy to get lost down bun­ny trails dur­ing con­ver­sa­tions.

Es gibt auch einen Twit­ter-Account zum Pod­cast.

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