

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2022.8

Silk Road Lin­guis­tics: The birth of Yid­dish and the mul­ti­eth­nic Jew­ish peo­ples on the Silk Roads, 9–13th cen­turies. The indis­pens­able role of the Arabs, Chi­nese, Ger­mans, Ira­ni­ans, Slavs and Turks
BuchcoverIn this com­pre­hen­sive study Paul Wexler demon­strates that Yid­dish is a Slav­ic lan­guage large­ly relex­i­fied to gen­uine and arti­fi­cial Ger­man and Hebrew, as a cryp­tic lan­guage of trade in the Khaz­ar Empire in the 9–10th cen­turies for the use of mul­ti­lin­gual Jew­ish mer­chants, who enjoyed spe­cial priv­i­leges on the Afro-Eurasian Silk Roads until the 13th cen­tu­ry. Oth­er Judaized trade lan­guages (Tur­kic, Chi­nese, Ara­bic) were also coined at this time in the Khaz­ar and Iran­ian Empires. In both empires, Yid­dish absorbed over 5,000 overt influ-ences main­ly from Judaized Per­sian, and sec­on­dar­i­ly from Judaized Tur­kic and Chi­nese. Yid­dish main­ly has Hebraisms wher­ev­er Per­sian employs Ara­bisms (but has almost no overt Ara­bisms) and pre­serves Asianisms with greater accu­ra­cy and vol­ume than most Ira­ni­an­ized non-Jew­ish tar­get lan­guages. Until c. 1000, almost all Jews in the world resided in the Iran­ian Empire and were main­ly of Iran­ian and only part­ly of Pales­tin­ian Judaean descent. Con­ver­sion to Judaism was com­mon among Ira­ni­ans, Turks, Slavs and Berbers (because of a desire to par­tic­i­pate in the lucra­tive Silk Road trade dom­i­nat­ed by Jews, and to escape the sta­tus of slav­ery often imposed on them); con­ver­sion led to the rise of new diverse Jew­ish “eth­nic­i­ties” and forms of Judaism. The book also exam­ines the Ira­ni­an­iza­tion of oth­er cryp­tic Jew­ish trade lan­guages, of Slav­ic and Ger­man, and the com­mon Hebrew-like lex­i­con used by all Jew­ish mer­chants to over­come var­ied lan­guage back­grounds. Yid­dish can help to recon­struct the Iran­ian speech of mixed Ira­no-Slav­ic con­fed­er­a­tions (such as the Gali­cian White Croats).
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Lan­guage and ges­ture in Chi­nese con­ver­sa­tion
BuchcoverLan­guage and Ges­ture in Chi­nese Con­ver­sa­tion is a study of the seman­tic and tem­po­ral rela­tion­ships between the speech and the ges­ture in the con­text of dis­course inter­ac­tion in Man­darin Chi­nese spo­ken in Tai­wan. The cross-modal rep­re­sen­ta­tion of ideas in nat­ur­al dis­course reveals the nature of BISHOU-SHUOHUÀ in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of mean­ing.
The study address­es two cen­tral issues: How do lan­guage and ges­ture rep­re­sent the seman­tic infor­ma­tion of var­i­ous types of ideas? How do the lin­guis­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tion and ges­tur­al depic­tion pat­tern tem­po­ral­ly in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion of cross-modal infor­ma­tion?
The intend­ed audi­ence of this book are schol­ars in many aca­d­e­m­ic fields, includ­ing lin­guis­tics, lan­guage and ges­ture, human com­mu­ni­ca­tion, cog­ni­tion, cog­ni­tive neu­ro­science, social psy­chol­o­gy, soci­ol­o­gy, lin­guis­tic anthro­pol­o­gy, speech pathol­o­gy, and speech ther­a­py.
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