

Open-Access-Bücher zu den Digital Humanities

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

CLARIN: The Infrastructure for Language Resources

Dar­ja Fišer & Andreas Witt (Hrsg.) |

CLARIN, the „Com­mon Lan­guage Resources and Tech­nol­o­gy Infra­struc­ture“, has estab­lished itself as a major play­er in the field of research infra­struc­tures for the human­i­ties. This vol­ume pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive overview of the orga­ni­za­tion, its mem­bers, its goals and its func­tion­ing, as well as of the tools and resources host­ed by the infra­struc­ture. The many con­trib­u­tors rep­re­sent­ing var­i­ous fields, from com­put­er sci­ence to law to psy­chol­o­gy, analyse a wide range of top­ics, such as the tech­nol­o­gy behind the CLARIN infra­struc­ture, the use of CLARIN resources in diverse research projects, the achieve­ments of select­ed nation­al CLARIN con­sor­tia, and the chal­lenges that CLARIN has faced and will face in the future.

Digitale Editionen im Spannungsfeld des Medienwechsels: Analysen und Lösungsstrategien aus Sicht der Informatik

Andreas Ober­hoff |

Im Span­nungs­feld des Medi­en­wech­sels von der gedruck­ten zur dig­i­tal­en Edi­tion wirken kom­plexe und oft kon­fligierende Kräfte. Aus der Per­spek­tive der Infor­matik iden­ti­fiziert Andreas Ober­hoff die Ursprünge und Wech­sel­wirkun­gen dieser Kräfte, präzisiert sie als wesentliche Kon­flik­te und analysiert sie sys­tem­a­tisierend durch Adap­tion etabliert­er Konzepte. Gestützt auf diese the­o­retis­chen Erken­nt­nisse leit­et er tech­nis­che Anforderun­gen an mod­erne Edi­tion­sin­fra­struk­turen ab, entwick­elt inno­v­a­tive Kon­flik­tlö­sungsstrate­gien (u.a. mit Hil­fe von Blockchain-Tech­nolo­gien) und stellt auf Basis der Revi­sion­ssicher­heit erst­mals eine Methodik für die bew­er­tende Einord­nung dieses aus­tari­eren­den Tech­nikein­satzes bere­it.

Theater as Data: Computational Journeys into Theater Research

Miguel Esco­bar Varela |

In The­ater as Data, Miguel Esco­bar Varela explores the use of com­pu­ta­tion­al meth­ods and dig­i­tal data in the­ater research. He con­sid­ers the impli­ca­tions of these new approach­es, and explains the roles that sta­tis­tics and visu­al­iza­tions play. Reflect­ing on recent debates in the human­i­ties, the author sug­gests that there are two ways of using data, both of which have a place in the­ater research. Data-dri­ven meth­ods are clos­er to the pur­suit of ver­i­fi­able results com­mon in the sci­ences; and data-assist­ed meth­ods are clos­er to the inter­pre­tive tra­di­tions of the human­i­ties. The book sur­veys four major areas with­in the­ater schol­ar­ship: texts (not only playscripts but also the­ater reviews and pro­gram book­lets); rela­tion­ships (both the links between fic­tion­al char­ac­ters and the col­lab­o­ra­tive net­works of artists and pro­duc­ers); motion (the move­ment of per­form­ers and objects on stage); and loca­tions (the coor­di­nates of per­for­mance events, venues, and tour­ing cir­cuits). The­ater as Data exam­ines impor­tant con­tri­bu­tions to the­ater stud­ies from sim­i­lar com­pu­ta­tion­al research, includ­ing in clas­si­cal French dra­ma, col­lab­o­ra­tion net­works in Aus­tralian the­ater, con­tem­po­rary Por­tuguese chore­og­ra­phy, and glob­al pro­duc­tions of Ibsen. This overview is com­ple­ment­ed by short descrip­tions of the author’s own work in the com­pu­ta­tion­al analy­sis of the­ater prac­tices in Sin­ga­pore and Indone­sia. The author ends by con­sid­er­ing the future of com­pu­ta­tion­al the­ater research, under­lin­ing the impor­tance of open data and dig­i­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty prac­tices, and encour­ag­ing read­ers to con­sid­er the ben­e­fits of learn­ing to code. A web com­pan­ion offers illus­tra­tive data, pro­gram­ming tuto­ri­als, and videos.

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