

Kennen Sie schon … British Movietone?

„British Movi­etone is arguably the world’s great­est news­reel archive, span­ning the peri­od 1895 to 1986.“ heißt es im Willkom­mensvideo auf dem YouTube-Kanal „British Movi­etone“:

Dis­cov­er British Movietone’s news­reel archive, which con­tains many of the world’s endur­ing images and is rich in cov­er­age of news events, celebri­ties, sports, music, social his­to­ry, sci­ence, lifestyle and quirky, via this chan­nel.

British Movi­etone also offers a week­ly series called ‚The Archivist Presents‘ where a trea­sure from the archive is shared by our archivist Jen­ny and ‘Movi­etone Moments’, a week­ly selec­tion of top­i­cal sto­ries pro­vid­ing con­text to events in the news and mark­ing anniver­saries and birth­days.

Der „Schwest­erkanal“ zu British Movi­etone ist „AP Archive“ mit Mate­r­i­al der Asso­ci­at­ed Press.
(British Movi­etone wurde 2017 von AP über­nom­men, wie u.a. die Wash­ing­ton Times berichtete.)

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