Jane Austen arbeitete nicht nur als Autorin, sie spielte auch Klavier und sang – und sie sammelte Noten.
Die Hartley Library der University of Southampton hat vor einigen Jahren die Alben, die sich Austen im Laufe der Jahre zusammengestellt hat, digitalisiert: „The Austen Family Music Books“.
This collection consists of eighteen printed and manuscript music books owned by members of the Austen family, including the writer Jane Austen, in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Many are binder’s volumes, compiled from separate manuscript or printed sheet music items bound together for an individual user. Others are personal manuscript albums made wholly or principally by a single copyist. Although some volumes were compiled as early as the 1750s, the majority date from Jane Austen’s lifetime (1775–1817). Austen made or used several of the books, and she was probably familiar with music collected by other family members.
The collection brings together nearly 600 pieces, mainly songs and works for keyboard or harp, by both international figures and British composers. The books present a vivid picture of domestic musical culture in England in the years around 1800, furnishing valuable insights on music making in the homes of gentry families as well as essential contextualisation for musical episodes in Austen’s fiction.
Weitere Informationen zum Digitalisierungsprojekt gibt es z.B. in dieser Meldung der Uni Southampton oder in diesem Open-Culture-Blogpost.