„Elstob“ ist ein Font, den Peter Baker, emeritierter Professor für mittelalterliche englische Literaturwissenschaft, mit Blick auf die Mediävistik entwickelt hat:
The Elstob font aims to include all Unicode characters commonly used by medievalists. It is a variable font—that is, one that can do the work of a number of conventional fonts by varying different aspects of the characters’ shapes.
The Elstob font, named for Elizabeth Elstob (1683–1756), a celebrated early scholar of Old English language and literature, is based on the Double Pica commissioned by Bishop John Fell (1625–1686) and cut by Peter de Walpergen, and used for many years by the Oxford University Press. Wherever possible, it is modeled on a specimen book printed in 1925 with type cast in the 1890s from the seventeenth-century matrices; digital images from the 1693 and 1706 Fell specimen books served as backup, and also an early eighteenth-century folio in which a lengthy dedication was printed in Fell’s Double Pica.
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Eine ausführliche Vorstellung des Fonds finden Sie im Blog von „Designer in Action“.