

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2019.10


Lan­guage as bod­i­ly prac­tice in ear­ly Chi­na: a Chi­nese gram­ma­tol­ogy
Jane Geaney argues that ear­ly Chi­nese con­cep­tions of speech and nam­ing can­not be prop­er­ly under­stood if viewed through the dom­i­nant West­ern philo­soph­i­cal tra­di­tion in which lan­guage is framed through dualisms that are based on hier­ar­chies of speech and writ­ing, such as reality/appearance and one/many. Instead, ear­ly Chi­nese texts repeat­ed­ly cre­ate pair­ings of sounds and var­i­ous vis­i­ble things. This aural/visual polar­i­ty sug­gests that texts from ear­ly Chi­na treat speech as a bod­i­ly prac­tice that is not detach­able from its use in every­day expe­ri­ence. Firm­ly ground­ed in ideas about bod­ies from the ear­ly texts them­selves, Geaney’s inter­pre­ta­tion offers new insights into three key themes in these texts: the notion of speak­ers’ inten­tions (yi), the phys­i­cal process of emu­lat­ing exem­plary peo­ple, and Confucius’s pro­pos­al to rec­ti­fy names (zheng­ming).
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Ara­bic in con­tact
The present vol­ume pro­vides an overview of cur­rent trends in the study of lan­guage con­tact involv­ing Ara­bic. By draw­ing on the social fac­tors that have con­verged to cre­ate dif­fer­ent con­tact sit­u­a­tions, it explores both con­tact-induced change in Ara­bic and lan­guage change through con­tact with Ara­bic. The vol­ume brings togeth­er lead­ing schol­ars who address a vari­ety of top­ics relat­ed to con­tact-induced change, the emer­gence of con­tact lan­guages, codeswitch­ing, as well as lan­guage ide­olo­gies in con­tact sit­u­a­tions. It offers insights from dif­fer­ent the­o­ret­i­cal approach­es in con­nec­tion with research fields such as descrip­tive and his­tor­i­cal lin­guis­tics, soci­olin­guis­tics, eth­no­lin­guis­tics, and lan­guage acqui­si­tion. It pro­vides the gen­er­al lin­guis­tic pub­lic with an updat­ed, cut­ting edge overview and appre­ci­a­tion of themes and prob­lems in Ara­bic lin­guis­tics and soci­olin­guists alike.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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