

Kennen Sie schon … die Grand Comics Database?

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Die GCD sam­melt Dat­en zu Comics aus aller Welt:

The Grand Comics Data­base™ (GCD) is an ongo­ing inter­na­tion­al project to build a detailed com­ic-book data­base that will be easy to use and under­stand, and also easy for con­trib­u­tors to add infor­ma­tion to it. The offi­cial Vision State­ment is: „The Grand Comics Data­base™ Project intends to be the most com­pre­hen­sive online comics data­base for com­ic read­ers, col­lec­tors, schol­ars and pro­fes­sion­als.“ This ful­ly search­able and sortable data­base includes infor­ma­tion on cre­ator cred­its, sto­ry details, and oth­er infor­ma­tion use­ful to the com­ic-book read­er, fan, col­lec­tor, and schol­ar.

Note that cur­rent­ly the GCD is effec­tive­ly a data­base for „com­ic books“, rather than a data­base for „comics“, because it is lim­it­ed to books and peri­od­i­cals (of any size or bind­ing). The Grand Comics Data­base™ cur­rent­ly allows index­ing of pub­li­ca­tions con­tain­ing at least 50% comics con­tent with­out restric­tion. We also allow index­ing of pub­li­ca­tions con­tain­ing less than 50% comics with the fol­low­ing restric­tions: the series or issue shall have a „not 50 per­cent comics“ flag set, only comics sequences may be indexed, cov­er scans will not be accept­ed for any issue that has not been indexed with at least 10% comics, as deter­mined by the data­base. How­ev­er, if the cov­er has com­ic mate­r­i­al it may be indexed.

Neben ein­er detail­lierten Suche in der Daten­bank gibt es z.B. auch ein „Cov­er des Tages“, eine Über­sicht über die neusten Daten­ergänzun­gen oder ‑kor­rek­turen und eine deutsche Start­seite mit Infos speziell zu deutschen Comics in der Samm­lung.
Com­ic-Fans kön­nen z.B. mit Infos zu noch nicht erfassten Comics oder Scans von Titel­seit­en zur Daten­bank beitra­gen.

Apro­pos: Wis­sen Sie, was „Grawlix­es“ sind? Falls nein, schauen Sie mal hier vor­bei. 🙂

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