

Kennen Sie schon … die Encyclopaedia of Islam?

Dieses Nach­schlagew­erk umfasst mehrere Aufla­gen und Teile.
Für die WWU Mün­ster sind lizen­ziert:

  • Ency­clopae­dia of Islam, Sec­ond Edi­tion
  • Ency­clopae­dia of Islam, Sec­ond Edi­tion, Glos­sary and Index of Terms
  • Ency­clopae­dia of Islam, THREE
  • His­tor­i­cal Atlas of Islam

Zur zweit­en Auflage der Ency­clopae­dia:

Logo der zweiten Auflage der Encyclopaedia of Islam (

The Ency­clopae­dia of Islam (Sec­ond Edi­tion) Online sets out the present state of our knowl­edge of the Islam­ic World. It is a unique and invalu­able ref­er­ence tool, an essen­tial key to under­stand­ing the world of Islam, and the author­i­ta­tive source not only for the reli­gion, but also for the believ­ers and the coun­tries in which they live. 

Zur drit­ten Auflage:

Logo der dritten Auflage der Encyclopaedia of Islam (

EI-Three is the third edi­tion of Brill’s Ency­clopae­dia of Islam which sets out the present state of our knowl­edge of the Islam­ic World. It is a unique and invalu­able ref­er­ence tool, an essen­tial key to under­stand­ing the world of Islam, and the author­i­ta­tive source not only for the reli­gion, but also for the believ­ers and the coun­tries in which they live.
The Third Edi­tion of the Ency­clopae­dia of Islam is an entire­ly new work, with new arti­cles reflect­ing the great diver­si­ty of cur­rent schol­ar­ship. It is pub­lished in five sub­stan­tial seg­ments each year, both online and in print. The new scope includes com­pre­hen­sive cov­er­age of Islam in the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry and of Mus­lim minori­ties all over the world.

Der His­tor­i­cal Atlas of Islam umfasst fold­ende Kapi­tel:

Logo des Historical Atlas of Islam (
  • Sec­tion I. The Ear­ly Mus­lim Earth and Sky (Maps 1–3 and End-Papers)
  • Sec­tion II. The Exten­sion of the Mus­lim World (Maps 4–14)
  • Sec­tion III. The Ara­bi­an Penin­su­la (Maps 15a-16b)
  • Sec­tion IV. Egypt and the Fer­tile Cres­cent (Maps 20–25, 26–31)
  • Sec­tion V. Iran and Tran­sox­a­nia
  • Sec­tion VI. The Cau­ca­sus
  • Sec­tion VII. Ana­to­lia and the Balka­ns
  • Sec­tion VIII. al-Andalus (Spain and Por­tu­al) and al-Maghrib
  • Sec­tion IX. India and the Indi­an Ocean
  • Sec­tion X. The Far East

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