

Kennen Sie schon … diese Blogs zur englischen Sprache?

„Separated by a Common Language: Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK“

Screenshot der Startseite des Blogs "Separated by a Common Language"

Hi, I’m Lynne Mur­phy, Pro­fes­sor of Lin­guis­tics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Sus­sex.
Since 2006, my alter ego Lyn­neguist has used this blog to explore the often sub­tle dif­fer­ences in Amer­i­can and British Eng­lish. At first this was a dis­trac­tion from the lin­guis­tic research I do at my day job, but increas­ing­ly my pro­fes­sion­al work has been inspired by the top­ics here.

Lynne Mur­phy ist unter @lynneguist auch auf Twit­ter und auf Face­book zu find­en. Dort gibt es „the UK/US “Dif­fer­ence of the Day” and lots of obser­va­tions and links about US-UK lan­guage and cul­ture“.

„Grammar Girl“

Logo des "Grammar Girl"

Im Rah­men der Seite „Quick and Dirty Tips“ blogt und pod­castet Mignon Fog­a­r­ty alias „Gram­mar Girl“ rund um die englis­che Sprache.
Unter @GrammarGirl twit­tert sie auch.

language: a feminist guide

Header-Foto des Blogs "language: a feminist guide"

This is a fem­i­nist blog about lan­guage (in fact, most­ly the Eng­lish lan­guage), writ­ten by a fem­i­nist who’s also a lin­guist. In this space I’ll try to address some fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions, debunk some com­mon myths, and pon­der some of the lin­guis­tic dilem­mas con­fronting fem­i­nists in the 21st cen­tu­ry.

My name is Deb­bie Cameron, and this is my first attempt at blog­ging. It’s not my first attempt at writ­ing: I’m an aca­d­e­m­ic by trade, and I’ve writ­ten a few aca­d­e­m­ic books on sub­jects relat­ed to this blog–as well as one more pop­u­lar book, The Myth of Mars and Venus. You can fol­low me on Twit­ter @wordspinster.
I hope this blog is a use­ful resource for peo­ple study­ing lan­guage and gen­der at school or uni­ver­si­ty, but please note that I can’t respond to indi­vid­ual requests for help with your aca­d­e­m­ic work.

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