

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2019.2


Bal­ladene­chos: Die skan­di­navis­che folke­vise im kul­turellen Gedächt­nis
Motive, Fig­uren und Nar­ra­tive der anony­men, seit dem Mit­te­lal­ter tradierten Volks­bal­laden haben bis heute einen hohen Bekan­ntheits­grad in den nordis­chen Län­dern. Die Beiträge dieses Ban­des unter­suchen ihre Präsenz und ihre Funk­tion im kul­turellen Gedächt­nis Skan­di­naviens. Beson­ders betont wer­den die medi­ale Vielfalt und die fort­dauernde kreative Aktu­al­isierung der Adap­tio­nen.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


Damna­tion and sal­va­tion in Old Norse lit­er­a­ture
A full sur­vey of the „Last Things“ as treat­ed in a wide range of Old Norse lit­er­a­ture.
The hope of sal­va­tion and the fear of damna­tion were fun­da­men­tal in the Mid­dle Ages. Sur­pris­ing­ly, how­ev­er, this top­ic, as reflect­ed in Old Norse lit­er­a­ture, has received lim­it­ed crit­i­cal attention.This book address­es this lacu­na in the schol­ar­ship, from two major per­spec­tives. First­ly, it exam­ines how the twin themes of damna­tion and sal­va­tion inter­act with oth­er more famil­iar and bet­ter explored topoi, such as the life-cycle, the moment of death, and the mate­r­i­al world. Sec­ond­ly, it looks at how issues relat­ing to damna­tion and sal­va­tion influ­ence the struc­ture of texts, with regard both to indi­vid­ual scenes and poems and sagas as a whole. The author argues that com­pa­ra­ble fea­tures and pat­terns reoc­cur through­out the cor­pus, albeit with indi­vid­ual vari­a­tions con­tin­gent on the rel­e­vant his­tor­i­cal and lit­er­ary con­text. A broad range of the lit­er­a­ture is con­sid­ered, includ­ing Sagas of Ice­landers, Kings‘ sagas, Con­tem­po­rary Sagas, Leg­endary sagas and poems of Chris­t­ian instruc­tion.
Haki Anton­s­son is Senior Lec­tur­er in Medieval Scan­di­na­vian Stud­ies, Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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