Unter diesem Namen sammelt ein Projekt an der Uni Edinburgh frei nutzbare Lehr-/Lernmaterialien (OER) zum Arabischen:
OERabic is an ambitious initiative that aims to enhance the mastering of Arabic by creating bespoke creative learning (and teaching) resources. OERabic encompasses several projects which have been in development over the course of the last year and a half and have involved a number of students of Arabic from the University of Edinburgh, as well as colleagues from Edinburgh and universities across the UK.
With OERabic, we are hoping to kick-start an ambitious long term OER project to promote the learning and teaching of Arabic language & culture (ALC) and foster a culture of student-teacher partnership, collaboration and co-authorship at UoE.
All our resources are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence.
Es gibt auch einen Twitter-Account: @OERabic.