

Open-Access-Bücher zur Nordistik

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

Innovationen im Sprachkontakt: Multilinguale Praktiken als konzeptuelle Integration in einer konstruktionsgrammatischen Modellierung

Aileen Urban

Logo der Uni Kiel

Mit­tels der Fusion der Ansätze der konzeptuellen Inte­gra­tion nach Fau­con­nier & Turn­er (2003), als Ansatz über die all­ge­meine kog­ni­tive Ver­ar­beitung von Wis­sen, und der Diasys­tem­a­tis­chen Kon­struk­tion­s­gram­matik (DCxG) nach Höder (z.B. 2012, 2018), als Ansatz zum diachro­nen Sprach­wan­del, wird in dieser Arbeit ein Mod­ell vorgeschla­gen, das – die kog­ni­tive Sprachver­ar­beitung mul­ti­lin­gualer SprecherIn­nen berück­sichti­gend á auf unter­schiedlich­ste Sprachkon­tak­t­phänomene, oder auch (Ad-hoc-)Innovationen, ange­wandt wer­den kann. Dabei wird die tra­di­tionelle kat­e­gorische Unter­schei­dung zwis­chen einzel­nen Kon­tak­t­phänome­nen aufgewe­icht, wodurch auch Phänomene beschrieben wer­den kön­nen, die in der tra­di­tionellen Sprachkon­tak­t­forschung bish­er als Son­der­fälle gel­ten mussten. Zusät­zlich zeigt die Mod­el­lierung, dass eine prinzip­ielle Unter­schei­dung zwis­chen Ad-hoc-Inno­va­tio­nen und kon­ven­tion­al­isierten Inno­va­tio­nen für die Anwen­dung des Mod­ells nicht notwendig ist, wom­it die DCxG um eine syn­chrone Per­spek­tive erweit­ert wird. Diese Arbeit leis­tet ins­ge­samt einen Beitrag zur Mod­el­lierung von Sprachkon­tak­t­phänome­nen aus der Per­spek­tive der Kog­ni­tiv­en Lin­guis­tik im All­ge­meinen.

» zum Buch auf dem Doku­mentenserv­er der Uni Kiel

The Diachrony of Definiteness in North Germanic

Domini­ka Skrzypek, Alic­ja Piotrows­ka, und Rafał Jawors­ki

Buch-Cover "The Diachrony of Definiteness in North Germanic"

This book is an account of the rise of def­i­nite and indef­i­nite arti­cles in Dan­ish, Swedish and Ice­landic, as doc­u­ment­ed in a choice of extant texts from 1200–1550. These three North Ger­man­ic lan­guages show dif­fer­ent devel­op­ment pat­terns in the rise of arti­cles, despite the com­mon ori­gin, but each reveals inter­de­pen­den­cies between the two process­es.
The mat­ter is approached from both a quan­ti­ta­tive and a qual­i­ta­tive per­spec­tive. The sta­tis­ti­cal analy­sis pro­vides an improved overview on arti­cle gram­mat­i­cal­iza­tion, focus­ing on the fac­tors at the basis of such process. The in-depth qual­i­ta­tive analy­sis of longer text pas­sages places the cru­cial stage of the def­i­nite arti­cle gram­mat­i­cal­iza­tion with the so-called indi­rect anaphor­ic ref­er­ence.

» zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law

Jef­frey Love, Inger Lars­son, Ulri­ka Djärv, Chris­tine Peel, and Erik Simensen

Buch-Cover "A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law"

This vol­ume is an indis­pens­able resource for schol­ars and stu­dents of medieval Scan­di­navia. This poly­glot dic­tio­nary draws on the vast and vibrant range of ver­nac­u­lar legal ter­mi­nol­o­gy found in medieval Scan­di­na­vian texts – ter­mi­nol­o­gy which yields valu­able insights into the quo­tid­i­an real­i­ties of crime and ret­ri­bu­tion; the process­es, appli­ca­tion and exe­cu­tion of laws; and the cul­tur­al and soci­etal con­cerns under­ly­ing the devel­op­ment and pro­mul­ga­tion of such laws.

Legal texts con­sti­tute an unpar­al­leled – and often untapped – source of infor­ma­tion for those study­ing the lit­er­a­ture, lan­guages and his­to­ry of medieval and Viking Age Scan­di­navia. The Lex­i­con is a wel­come con­tri­bu­tion to the study of medieval Scan­di­navia on two counts: first­ly, it makes acces­si­ble a wealth of ver­nac­u­lar his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ments for an Eng­lish-speak­ing audi­ence. Sec­ond­ly, it presents legal ter­mi­nolo­gies that span the lan­guages and geo­gra­phies of medieval Scan­di­navia, draw­ing on twen­ty-five legal texts com­posed in Old Swedish, Old Ice­landic, Old Nor­we­gian, Old Dan­ish, Old Gut­nish and Old Faroese. By col­lat­ing and jux­ta­pos­ing legal terms, the Lex­i­con thus offers its read­ers a fas­ci­nat­ing, com­pre­hen­sive win­dow into the legal milieu of medieval Scan­di­navia as a uni­fied whole.

It is in this respect that A Lex­i­con of Medieval Nordic Law dif­fers from the oth­er major lex­i­ca that came before it: where rel­e­vant, it gath­ers close­ly relat­ed terms from mul­ti­ple Nordic lan­guages beneath sin­gle head­words with­in sin­gle entries. This approach illu­mi­nates the dif­fer­ences (and sim­i­lar­i­ties) in usage of spe­cif­ic lex­i­cal items and legal con­cepts across geo­graph­ic areas and through time.

This dic­tio­nary con­tains over 6000 Nordic head­words, and is laid out as a stan­dard ref­er­ence work. It is eas­i­ly nav­i­ga­ble, with a clear struc­ture to each entry, pro­vid­ing Eng­lish equiv­a­lents; tex­tu­al ref­er­ences; phras­es in which head­words fre­quent­ly appear; cross-ref­er­ences to aid read­ers in locat­ing syn­onyms or cog­nate terms with­in the lex­i­con; and ref­er­ences to pub­lished works. Rough­ly one quar­ter of the head­words sup­ply seman­tic analy­sis and detailed infor­ma­tion on the tex­tu­al and his­tor­i­cal con­texts with­in which a term might appear, which help the read­er to engage with the broad­er legal con­cepts under­ly­ing spe­cif­ic terms. The Lex­i­con is thus designed to pro­vide its read­ers not only with suc­cinct sin­gle def­i­n­i­tions of Norse legal terms, but with a sense of the wider Scan­di­na­vian legal land­scape and world­view with­in which these con­cepts were devel­oped.

A Lex­i­con of Medieval Nordic Law is an ongo­ing project with a dig­i­tal coun­ter­part ( cre­at­ed with­in the depart­ment of Swedish Lan­guage and Mul­ti­lin­gual­ism at Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty. It is part of the wider ‘Medieval Nordic Laws’ project based at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Aberdeen.

» zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site
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