

Kennen Sie schon … die Fotosammlung „Americans in the Land of Lenin“?

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Die Samm­lung, Teil des „Archive of Doc­u­men­tary Arts“ der amerikanis­chen Duke Uni­ver­si­ty in Durham, NC, umfasst rund 750 Fotografien mit All­t­agsszenen der Sow­je­tu­nion (1919–1921 und 1930) aus zwei Nach­lässen:

This col­lec­tion of pho­tographs of dai­ly life in the Union of Sovi­et Social­ist Republics is drawn from the per­son­al papers of Robert L. Eichel­berg­er and Frank Whit­son Fet­ter, two ordi­nary Amer­i­cans who found them­selves in an extra­or­di­nary place and time.

Eichel­berg­er (1886–1961), a career mil­i­tary offi­cer, was sta­tioned in East­ern Siberia dur­ing the Russ­ian Civ­il War (1918–1921) along­side oth­er mem­bers of the Amer­i­can Expe­di­tionary Force, which was sent to pro­tect the world from Russ­ian Com­mu­nism and Japan­ese mil­i­tarism.
Fet­ter (1889–1991), a pro­fes­sion­al econ­o­mist, toured south­ern Rus­sia in the sum­mer of 1930, dur­ing the height of the force-draft indus­tri­al­iza­tion and col­lec­tiviza­tion cam­paigns that accom­pa­nied the pro­mul­ga­tion of the First Five Year Plan (1928–1932).

Both men left unique pho­tos of their encounter with ordi­nary indi­vid­u­als of the self-pro­claimed first social­ist coun­try in the world. Their images of life in the Sovi­et provinces between the World Wars reveal an agrar­i­an, mul­ti-eth­nic coun­try, still reel­ing under the impact of the rev­o­lu­tion­ary forces unleashed at the begin­ning of the 20th-cen­tu­ry.

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