

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2022.6

Mus­lim tex­tu­al­i­ties: a lit­er­ary approach to fem­i­nism
BuchcoverIn the first decade of the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry, Mus­lim women writ­ers locat­ed in Europe and Amer­i­can entered the cul­tur­al main­stream. Lit­er­ary and visu­al pro­duc­tions nego­ti­at­ed sta­t­ic visu­al emblems of Islam, most promi­nent­ly „the veil.“ They did so not by reject­ing veil­ing prac­tices, but by adapt­ing Mus­lim resources, con­cepts and visu­al tra­di­tion to empow­er­ment nar­ra­tives in pop­u­lar media. Main­stream recep­tion of their works has often over­looked or mis­read these nego­ti­a­tions. Mus­lim Tex­tu­al­i­ties argues for more flex­i­ble and capa­cious inter­pre­ta­tion, with par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to vis­i­bil­i­ty as a metaphor for polit­i­cal agency and to knowl­edge of cul­tur­al con­texts. This provoca­tive vol­ume aims to artic­u­late Mus­lim female agency through clear and acces­si­ble analy­sis of the the­o­ry and con­cepts dri­ving the inter­pre­ta­tion of these works. Schol­ars inter­est­ed in the work­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Mus­lim women, fem­i­nist sub­jec­tiv­i­ties, and the com­plex­i­ties of gen­der roles, patri­archy, and fem­i­nism will find this vol­ume of par­tic­u­lar inter­est.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
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Lit­er­ary Sinitic and East Asia: A cul­tur­al sphere of ver­nac­u­lar read­ing
BuchcoverIn Lit­er­ary Sinitic and East Asia: A Cul­tur­al Sphere of Ver­nac­u­lar Read­ing, Pro­fes­sor Kin Bunkyō sur­veys the his­to­ry of read­ing tech­nolo­gies referred to as kun­doku 訓讀 in Japan­ese, hun­dok in Kore­an and xun­du in Man­darin. Ren­dered by the trans­la­tors as ‘ver­nac­u­lar read­ing’, these tech­nolo­gies were used to read Lit­er­ary Sinitic through and into a wide vari­ety of ver­nac­u­lar lan­guages across diverse pre­mod­ern East Asian civ­i­liza­tions and lit­er­ary cul­tures. The book’s edi­tor, Ross King, pref­aces the trans­la­tion with an essay com­par­ing East Asian tra­di­tions of ‘ver­nac­u­lar read­ing’ with typo­log­i­cal­ly sim­i­lar read­ing tech­nolo­gies in the Ancient Near East and calls for a shift in research focus from writ­ing to read­ing, and from ‘het­erog­ra­phy’ to ‘het­erolex­ia’.
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