

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2022.7

His­tor­i­cal Lacu­nae and Poet­ic Space: A Cre­ative Approach to Old Norse Poet­ry and Poet­ics
BuchcoverThis book explores the nature of poet­ic read­ing using a cre­ative approach to under­stand­ing Old Norse poet­ry. It con­sid­ers lacu­nae in the his­to­ry, crit­i­cism and schol­ar­ly trans­la­tions of Old Norse poet­ry into Eng­lish through a poet­ic enact­ment, an epic poem and its com­pan­ion read­er, demon­strat­ing crit­i­cal approach­es to Old Norse poet­ry and poet­ics.
The poet­ic enact­ment analy­ses the com­plex rela­tion­ship between his­tor­i­cal gap and cre­ative read­er, the impor­tance of the com­pre­hen­sion of lit­er­ary objects as ide­al or immutable, and the poet­ic con­struc­tion of read­able texts with par­tic­u­lar ref­er­ence to skaldic images. The poet­ic demon­stra­tion of schol­ar­ly approach­es also rais­es a num­ber of ques­tions about poet­ic process and the role of com­posers, read­ers and his­tor­i­cal con­texts in Old Norse poet­ry. Analysing nar­ra­tive-move­ment, dic­tion, gram­mar, leg­end, the aur­al, the visu­al, authen­tic­i­ty, mean­ing and poet­ic objects as scripts, the author offers a the­o­ry of actu­al and vir­tu­al read­ing.
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Old Norse-Ice­landic philol­o­gy and nation­al iden­ti­ty in the long Nine­teenth cen­tu­ry
Buchcoveror cen­turies, the lit­er­ary her­itage pre­served in Ice­landic medieval man­u­scripts has played a vital role in the self-image of the Ice­landic nation. From the late eigh­teenth cen­tu­ry, Ice­landic schol­ars had bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ties than pre­vi­ous­ly to study and pub­lish this mate­r­i­al on their own terms. Through­out the long nine­teenth cen­tu­ry they were intense­ly engaged in philo­log­i­cal work on it. This coin­cid­ed with an increas­ing aware­ness among Ice­landers of a sep­a­rate nation­al­i­ty and their grow­ing demand for auton­o­my. What was the con­nec­tion between the two devel­op­ments? This lit­er­a­ture was also impor­tant for the shap­ing of iden­ti­ties among oth­er North­ern Euro­pean nations. The twelve chap­ters of this col­lec­tion explore the inter­play between var­i­ous nation­al dis­cours­es that char­ac­ter­ized the schol­ar­ly recep­tion of this her­itage dur­ing the peri­od.
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