Unter dem Motto „Words That Don’t Translate“ sammelt die „Erfinderin“ dieser Datenbank Wörter, für die es in anderen Sprachen keine genauen Pendants gibt:
Welcome to Eunoia: the searchable directory of words that don’t translate. Eunoia itself is one of those untranslatable words, which essentially means a well-mind or beautiful thinking.
Eunoia allows you to search for untranslatable words by language, tag, or the word itself. There are over 500 words in the database, across 50+ languages and 50+ tags.
Eunoia was originally built as part of a 24 hour startup challenge by Steph. It came fifth in that particular challenge and was the #2 product of the day on Product Hunt. She’s always been fascinated with languages and their untranslatable words, but specifically how when you look at them on an aggregate level, it’s almost like a looking glass into that culture.
Eunoia is always welcoming new suggestions.