

Kennen Sie schon … das Blog der „Wordlady“?

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In ihrem Blog sam­melt die kanadis­che Lexiko­graphin Kather­ine Bar­ber seit zehn Jahren Amüsantes und Wis­senswertes rund um die Englis­che Sprache:

„This blog is about the fas­ci­nat­ing, fun, and chal­leng­ing things about the Eng­lish lan­guage. I hope to enter­tain you and to help you with prob­lems or just ques­tions you might have with spelling and usage. I go beyond just stat­ing what is right and what is wrong, and pro­vide some his­to­ry or some tips to help you remem­ber. Is some­thing puz­zling you? Feel free to email me.“

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