

Kennen Sie schon … das Twitter-Projekt „#riddarasaga“?

Update 2.12.2020: Das Blog ist lei­der nicht mehr ver­füg­bar. 🙁

Die Nordis­tin Sheryl McDon­ald Wer­ro­nen hat 2015 ein „nordis­ches Twit­ter-Pro­jekt“ durchge­führt: 30 Tage lang twit­terte sie über 30 mit­te­lal­ter­liche isländis­che Texte.
Sie kön­nen die Tweets über die Zusam­men­stel­lung im Blog der Wis­senschaft­lerin nach­le­sen.

In Sep­tem­ber 2015, I began a project on Twit­ter, to tweet about a dif­fer­ent medieval Ice­landic romance every day for the month of Sep­tem­ber. The pur­pose of this project was to intro­duce peo­ple to the texts I’ve been work­ing with for my research, espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing that the major­i­ty of them are not avail­able in Eng­lish trans­la­tion (mean­ing very few peo­ple had ever heard of them).
Now, when I say ‘medieval Ice­landic romance’, I mean texts writ­ten in Ice­land, which were not trans­lat­ed or sole­ly based on oth­er Euro­pean sto­ries. Of course, Arthuri­an lit­er­a­ture and oth­er romances were trans­lat­ed into Old Norse dur­ing the Mid­dle Ages; we have Old Norse ver­sions of Chré­tien de Troyes (e.g. Parce­vals sagaErex sagaÍvents saga), Tris­trams saga, Marie de France’s lais, and oth­ers.
But we also have a great num­ber of sto­ries about knights and ladies, quests for brides and fame, mag­i­cal objects and super­nat­ur­al beings, with set­tings stretch­ing from Eng­land and France to Syr­ia and India – all of which are orig­i­nal Ice­landic com­po­si­tions from the 14th and 15th cen­turies.

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