

Kennen Sie schon … das Responsa Project?

Das Respon­sa Project der israelis­chen Bar-Ilan-Uni­ver­sität bietet jüdis­che Quel­len­texte in hebräis­ch­er Sprache.  The Bar Ilan Respon­sa Project is the world’s largest elec­tron­ic col­lec­tion of Torah lit­er­a­ture of its kind. The project which has become the most valid and pro­fes­sion­al tool … Weit­er­lesen



Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2019.9

Cur­rent stud­ies in Chi­nese lan­guage and dis­course: Glob­al con­text and diverse per­spec­tivesThis vol­ume fea­tures a dis­course empir­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion from diverse per­spec­tives and var­i­ous method­olo­gies, in which nar­ra­tives, inter­views, sur­veys, and large-scale data­bas­es or self-cre­at­ed writ­ten and spo­ken cor­po­ra are employed … Weit­er­lesen