

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2019.6


Roman­is­che Sprachen in ihrer Vielfalt: Brück­en­schläge zwis­chen lin­guis­tis­ch­er The­o­riebil­dung und Fremd­sprache­nun­ter­richt
Der vor­liegende Band vere­int eine Rei­he von Beiträ­gen, die Ergeb­nisse neuer­er empirisch­er Stu­di­en zu pho­nol­o­gis­chen, mor­phol­o­gis­chen, syn­tak­tis­chen und seman­tisch-prag­ma­tis­chen Aspek­ten roman­is­ch­er Sprachen disku­tieren, die auf der Basis mod­ern­er lin­guis­tis­ch­er The­o­riebil­dung ent­standen sind und zum größten Teil im Rah­men der Tagung „The mul­ti­fac­eted struc­tures of Por­tuguese. Bridg­ing the gap between lin­guis­tic the­o­ries and for­eign lan­guage teach­ing“ (Johannes Guten­berg-Uni­ver­sität Mainz, 7.–8. Juni 2018) vorgestellt wur­den. Ihnen gemein ist das Ziel zu zeigen, wie sich Befunde empirisch­er Sprach­wis­senschaft gewinnbrin­gend im Fremd­sprache­nun­ter­richt ein­set­zen lassen und zu ein­er lin­guis­tisch fundierten The­o­rie des Ler­nens und Lehrens von Fremd­sprachen beitra­gen kön­nen.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site


Span­ish vam­pire fic­tion since 1900: blood rela­tions
Span­ish Vam­pire Fic­tion since 1900: Blood Rela­tions, as that sub­ti­tle sug­gests, makes the case for con­sid­er­ing Span­ish vam­pire fic­tion an index of the com­plex rela­tion­ship between inter­cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­na and the specifics of a time, place, and author. Super­nat­ur­al beings that drink blood are found in folk­lore world­wide, Spain includ­ed, and writ­ers rang­ing from the most canon­i­cal to the most mar­gin­al have writ­ten vam­pire sto­ries, Span­ish ones includ­ed too. When they do, they choose between var­i­ous strate­gies of char­ac­ter­i­za­tion or blend dif­fer­ent ones togeth­er. How much will they draw on con­ven­tions of the transna­tion­al cor­pus? Are their vam­pires to be local or for­eign; allur­ing or repul­sive; pitiable or pure evil, for instance? Deci­sions like these deter­mine the mes­sages texts car­ry and, when made by Span­ish authors, may reveal aspects of their cul­ture with strik­ing can­did­ness, per­haps because the fan­ta­sy premise seems to give the false sense of secu­ri­ty that this is harm­less escapism and, since metaphor­i­cal mean­ing is implic­it, it is open to argu­ment and, if nec­es­sary, denial.
Part I gives a chrono­log­i­cal text-by-text appre­ci­a­tion of all the texts includ­ed in this vol­ume, many of them lit­tle known even to His­panists and few if any to non-Span­ish Goth­ic schol­ars. It also pro­vides a plot sum­ma­ry and brief back­ground on the author of each. These entries are free-stand­ing and designed to be con­sult­ed for ref­er­ence or read togeth­er to give a sense of the evo­lu­tion of the par­a­digm since 1900. Part II con­sid­ers the cor­pus com­par­a­tive­ly, first with regard to its rela­tion­ship to folk­lore and reli­gion and then con­ta­gion and trans­mis­sion.
Span­ish Vam­pire Fic­tion since 1900: Blood Rela­tions will be of inter­est to Anglo­phone Goth­ic schol­ars who want to devel­op their knowl­edge of the Span­ish dimen­sion of the mode and to His­panists who want to look at some canon­i­cal texts and authors from a new per­spec­tive but also gain an aware­ness of some inter­est­ing and decid­ed­ly non-canon­i­cal mate­r­i­al.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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