

The Myths and Legends Podcast › Norwegian Folklore: „Adventure!“

„The sto­ry of the mas­ter thief, from Nor­we­gian folk­lore, which will have you won­der­ing what the dif­fer­ence is between a mas­ter thief and some­one who exploits the lazi­ness and igno­rance of strangers in incred­i­bly basic ways for their own gain. … Weit­er­lesen



„Myths and Legends“-Podcast-Reihe „Norse Sagas“ zu Grettir dem Starken

In zwei Teilen befasst sich der „Myths and Legends“-Podcast mit Gret­tir, „who, whether it’s by berserk­ers crash­ing his Christ­mas par­ty, bears steal­ing his clothes, or his own obscene insult poet­ry, just can’t catch a break.„Teil 1: „Good for Noth­ing„Teil 2: … Weit­er­lesen



The Myths and Legends Podcast: Viking Legends

Der Post­cast „Myths and Leg­ends“ befasst sich mit – wie der Name schon sagt 🙂 – Mythen und Leg­en­den: This show brings you folk­lore that has shaped our world. Some are incred­i­bly pop­u­lar sto­ries you think you know, but with … Weit­er­lesen



The Myths and Legends Podcast: Chinese Folklore, Egyptian Mythology, Arabian Nights

Der Post­cast „Myths and Leg­ends“ befasst sich mit – wie der Name schon sagt 🙂 – Mythen und Leg­en­den: This show brings you folk­lore that has shaped our world. Some are incred­i­bly pop­u­lar sto­ries you think you know, but with … Weit­er­lesen